Engineering Ohio and Michigan’s Highways
and Intersections.
Proudfoot Engineering has designed thousands of miles of roadway across Ohio and Michigan and we are qualified with ODOT for major highway design. We also commit to completing projects on or ahead of schedule.
We have received ODOT ratings of 100 percent for the LUC-2-30.30/31.28/32.21 projects and the MER-49-24.38 and MIA-571-1.05 bridge replacement projects for “always being responsive and promptly complying with all requests.”
Proudfoot Engineering also earned ratings of 100 percent from ODOT on the UNI-033-221/UNI-04-2059 project for “practical, economical and constructible design” and “all design requirements met.”
The safety of people using the roadways is important. Our engineers are adept at predicting and analyzing all possible civil impacts of highway systems, including adverse effects on the environment, including noise, air and water pollution. For each project, we look at the big picture.
Our work includes highway and intersection design, local highway and street design, pavement rehabilitation projects, bike paths, highway and parking lot lighting, parking facilities, intersection improvements, traffic signals, parking facilities, right-of-way designs, roadway widening and relocation projects for local communities and large-scale endeavors such as interchanges on the Turnpike and state route widening projects for ODOT.
Our Highway and Intersection Design Work